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Karta ljepote: Jesu li ovo najljepše žene svijeta?

Projekt Atlas ljepote
Projekt Atlas ljepote dokazuje da ljepota nije uniformirana, a prvenstveno je čini duša koja se ogleda u očima

Fotografkinja Mihaela Noroc čvrsto vjeruje kako ne postoji univerzalan kriterij ljepote, osobito ne onaj silikonski i 'fotošopirani' kojeg posljednjih godina mediji sve češće propagiraju. Upravo on stvara komplekse i nameće pritisak stvarnim i prirodnim djevojkama i ženama diljem svijeta koje nisu modeli niti manekenke, a njihovu ljepotu Mihaela je vješto dočarala u projektu Atlas ljepote.

Pogledajte ljepotice koje je snimila na svojim putovanjima kroz nekoliko zemalja diljem svijeta, a nada se kako će u sljedećih nekoliko godina obići još mnogo više. Možda na svojim putovanjima navrati i do Hrvatske kako bi fotografirala naše ljepotice, a za sada je izdala knjigu s više od 500 portreta koje je snimila diljem svijeta.



#RiodeJanreiro #Brazil #beauty #travel #theatlasofbeauty

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"Atlas Of Beauty " / Number 12: Moscow ,Russia / Photo By Mihaela Noroc عزیزان عکس های قبلی و 3 عکس بعدی را نگاه کنید تا همه بیبینیم که کدام دختر از کدام کشور بیشترین لایک را خواهد اورد تا فردا مجموعه ای جالب و قابل تاملی دیگر ،خانم عکاس رومانیایی در دوتا سه سال اخیر به حدود 40 کشور دنیا و شهر های مختلف سفر کرده و به دنبال زیبایی گشته ! مجموعه ای به نام" اطلس زیبایی " او گفته است که من از صد ها زن عکس گرفتم و دوست داشتم ارامش درونی این زنان را مطرح کنم ، من میخواستم بگویم که زیبایی در تفاوت هاست و نه در نژاد و ثروت و طبقه خاص ، نگاه به فرهنگ این دختران و اداب رسوم و پوشش انها ،من را تحت تاثیر قرار داد ،سبک زندگی هر کدام از دختران برای من ایده جدیدی بود ، دختران همه کشورها با من به خوبی برخورد میکردند و من مجذوب انان میشدم ، فرهنگی که انان در انجا بزرگ شده اند و فضایی که به انها اصالت داده برای من شگفت انگیز بود او در تمام این کشورها از جمله ایران به دنبال دخترانی گشته که ارامش درونی ،زیبایی ، وقار و اصالت را همه باهم داشتند و این سوال بزرگ را مطرح کرده که ما به چه چیزی واقعا زیبا میگوییم ؟ انها نشانه درستی از زن بودن و سادگی دارند ، این عکاس با این مجموعه جهان را شگفت زده کرد که به راستی شایسته تحسین است من در ماه های گذشته این مجموعه را دنبال میکردم ،بعد از مصاحبه خانم عکاس با یورو نیوز این مجموعه بیشتر مطرح شد ، من سعی میکنم که 15 عکس از این مجموعه را به نمایش بگذارم ،از جمله دختری که عکاس از ایران انتخاب کرده است ناب ترین مجموعه های عکاسی را اینجا ببینید ،در فاین ارت فتوگرافی ترجمه و متن از : ا.ف .... دی ماه 1394 #theatlasofbeauty

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Linda is from Grozny, the capital of Chechnya, a republic in Southern Russia where ancient traditions mix with modernity and many women wear colourful scarves on their head. While visiting this unique place a few days ago, I discovered a new city, totally rebuilt, but where memories of war are still alive. In 2003 the United Nations called Grozny the most destroyed city on earth after years of terrible battles. In one of these battles, Linda lost her father, who was accidentally shot in his way to work. At that time, Linda’s mother was pregnant with her second child. Linda and her sister were raised by a single mother, in a time of war, but received a wonderful education. Today Linda studies medicine preparing to become a paediatrician. This strong Chechen woman had a tough childhood and now she wants to dedicate her life to help other children in need. #TheAtlasOfBeauty #Chechnya #AroundTheWorld

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A few days ago I started to tell you the amazing story of this beautiful and brave woman. Ania was born in Poland without a right leg. Her mother abandoned her in the maternity hospital and bagged a doctor to take care of her. The doctor kept Ania illegally in the hospital for many months, realising that if she would be sent to an orphanage she could never have a normal life, in her situation. When Ania was 19 months old, she was adopted by a Belgian family. She had a happy childhood, in the countryside of Belgium, surrounded by a beautiful family who adopted more children with disabilities. Ania was always encouraged by her parents and teachers to follow her passion for sports. But back then she couldn’t have a proper prosthetic for sport, because she didn’t have a femur. Every night, before falling asleep, Ania was imagining herself running like an athlete. So she started to work hard for her dream. Ania trained a lot years after years and recently convinced a team of doctors and technicians to include her in a special program. Today she has an unique prosthetic that would normally cost a fortune and she can finally run like she used to imagine when she was a kid. Her next dream is to participate in the Paralympic Games. She wants to become a well known athlete, hoping that her biological mother will see her on the media someday. “I just want to find her, to let her know that I’m doing really well and to tell her that I never, ever condemned her for what happened. I imagine she was a poor woman in a difficult situation. In the end, her decision gave me the chance to have this wonderful life and opportunities. She’s my mother and I’m sure that this was her intention.” We can also help Ania to fulfil her dream and encourage others to never give up. Let’s make her inspiring story known all over the world. #TheAtlasOfBeauty #AroundTheWorld #Poland #Belgium #Sport

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#Medellin #Colombia for #theatlasofbeauty #travel #aroundtheworld #beautyisdiversity

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#Medellin #Colombia for #theatlasofbeauty #travel #aroundtheworld #beautyisdiversity

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#Bogota #Colombia for #theatlasofbeauty #travel #diversity #beauty

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#RiodeJaneiro #Brazil for #theatlasofbeauty #travel #beauty #diversity

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Salsa dancer in #Cali #Colombia for #theatlasofbeauty #travel #beauty #diversity #salsa

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Venezuelan in #SanPedrodeAtacama #Chile for #theatlasofbeauty #travel #beauty #diversity #naturallight

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Indonesian #women for #TheAtlasofBeauty on #JavaSea #boat #Indonesia

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#SanFrancisco #USA for #TheAtlasofBeauty #naturallight #naturalbeauty #nomakeup #travel

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#kichwa #woman for #TheAtlasofBeauty in #Amazon #jungle #Ecuador #naturallight

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On the streets of Havana #TheAtlasOfBeauty

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Moldova #TheAtlasOfBeauty 2 days left

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An amazing city with amazing faces: Medellin, Colombia.

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An amazing city with amazing faces: Medellin, Colombia.

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The picturesque streets of Havana, Cuba, a few months ago.

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A ceramic art student in an workshop. Few weeks ago in Cluj, Romania.

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#Cali #Colombia for #theatlasofbeauty #travel #beauty #aroundtheworld

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Market seller in Dushanbe, Tajikistan. #TheAtlasOfBeauty

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A beautiful donut seller in Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan. #TheAtlasOfBeauty

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Amazing eyes in Kathmandu, Nepal. #TheAtlasOfBeauty #kathmandu #nepal #AroundTheWorld

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Sjeverna Koreja


On the streets of Pyongyang, North Korea, in September. #TheAtlasOfBeauty #NorthKorea #AroundTheWorld

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She’s Muslim, but her best friend, another young woman who owns this small terrace, is Christian. While traveling in Ethiopia, in February, I admired the way Christians and Muslims get along. I saw many beautiful friendships that go beyond religion. But in the same country, there are dozens of terrible ethnic conflicts, based on other reasons than religion. While traveling around the world I realised that is not the religion, the colour, or the ethnicity the real reason for conflicts and intolerance. But something else. The truth is that some people always take advantage of these conflicts. They conceive them by raising anger among us, just to feed their pockets or their ego. It was always like that, but today I think we have more opportunities to make a change. Our love can be stronger than their greed. #TheAtlasOfBeauty #Ethiopia #aroundtheworld

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Južna Afrika



Athina is from Athens, Greece and she's a professional runner. Born from an Ethiopian mother and a Greek father, she is in love with running since childhood. We met one month ago in Athens and what a pleasant time I had. While photographing her in the Panathenaic Stadium, the place that hosted the first modern olympic games in 1896, I was fascinated by her passion for running. She broke the national record of 3000m steeplechase and her biggest dream was to participate in the Olympic Games, this year. A hard injury made this impossible and she will have to wait for another 4 years. I rarely heard people talking with such enthusiasm about their passions. No suffering will stop Athina and she will keep running on the way to her dream. #TheAtlasOfBeauty #Greece #AroundTheWorld

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#Medellin #Colombia for #theatlasofbeauty #travel #aroundtheworld #beautyisdiversity

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  • gucmirtl 11:50 14.Rujan 2017.

    Moram priznati, ima lijepih curica. Neke nastupaju za više zemalja.

  • Avatar beejesan
    beejesan 10:46 14.Rujan 2017.
